God’s Timing Through the Midst of Struggle


For the longest time I felt that I was broken and that I needed to be fixed, but I am learning through this utterly painful world we live in…that we are all broken, we are all wallflowers simply trying to find our way. We have dysfunctional hearts inside, doubts and insecurities, painful nights hoped to forget, regrets and some  hearts that we may have even lost in the process. In the end, though, what may pull us apart actually brings us together. Undone and Bro   ken. Though I have lived and loved with my whole heart thus far, I have learned (and am still learning) that showing up each day is courageous enough. And though I had my eyes surely set on changing the world in a particular way, I am understanding that God is preparing  me for something greater. He is molding my heart as I spurt these words out onto this screen. With every letter I type, every breath I breathe, God is guiding me along the way. His timing is perfect.

And I am so grateful for the struggle that lies within. The struggle that I face each new day. Because it is, in fact, a NEW day. Though I am so easily discouraged from time to time…I am more hopeful today than I was yesterday. I take the hits life gives me, the words I hope people don’t truly mean, and I try to discern why God has placed this immense hurt in my head & on my heart. Simply trying to find the beauty in the chaos. Peace is our ultimate goal, isn’t it? I know that I strive for peace in my soul each moment, even when life scatters stress and strife when we just want to experience joy. But it is so hard. Life is hard. But, we can do hard things. Together.

Remember this, friends:

“I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” -John14:27

We as women are unique in how we respond to the world. I feel that God uses us–needs us–to distinguish and sort out the beauty in the pain. The struggle is rich and raw and painful and beautiful all at the same time. Aren’t we so blessed that we get to experience such emotions, such a realness that Jesus experienced even in His lifetime and especially on the cross? What a weight He carried- for YOU and for ME so that WE CAN ALL…LIVE.

So I am thankful for the temporary busyness- the anxiety- the sadness- the brokenness- the depression, because they bring me to finding real JOY in the end. I know that we can do this together- we can do hard things. Will you join me on the journey?




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